Location Uteha
The village Uteha is located in the southern part of the Barskaya Riviera, just 14 km from the resort Bar. It occupies the territory of a picturesque bay and borders with the municipality of Ulcinj. Near the village is a small town Busash.
Title History Uteha
The village was named after a cafe, which appeared in this area one of the first. This happened in the sixties, when the farmers cultivated Uteha. The cafe still works and enjoys an enviable popularity among the locals.
Description Uteha
For most of the year the bright sun shines in Uteha, the winds hardly blow, the rains rarely go. The village is in demand due to its picturesqueness: right next to the houses there are dense forests, palm trees grow everywhere, and wonderful views are opened from the viewing platforms.
The Mediterranean climate, which reigns in Uteha, promotes the cultivation of figs, lemons, kiwi, vineyards, olives. Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries fall on store shelves, where they are quickly sold out. All meals in restaurants are prepared from environmentally friendly products.
Today, people from Russia and other post-Soviet countries took pleasure in Uteha. Real estate in the village is inexpensive, it is often put up for sale and resale. Montenegrins and foreigners do not particularly like this place and rarely appear in it.
Infrastructure Uteha
In recent years, the village Uteha began to develop rapidly. Now it has a full bus station, from where buses go to the nearest resorts of the country, as well as the official taxi service.
Evening can be spent in one of the institutions of Uteha. Almost all restaurants and cafes of the village specialize in Mediterranean cuisine. Live music nights are held daily in the local bars.
It's amazing that pop stars are regularly coming to this small and large town. Uteha - one of the centers of the night life of the country, where young people often gather. In the village there are several nightclubs.
Recreation Uteha
The village of Uteha in Montenegro is a good place for family holidays and long walks in the fresh air. For children in the village there are several play areas.
Air in Uteha is considered curative. Local residents claim that it has a beneficial effect on the bronchi and the entire respiratory system, and can also cure asthma.
Some elderly people who spent their vacations here got rid of back pain and joint pain, normalized their blood pressure and were cured of diseases of the nervous system.
All this can be explained by the abundance of the sun, a favorable climate and clean air - all those that are famous for Uteha.
This village can be an excellent choice for people who want to restore their mental and physical health.
Uteha - a suitable place for a youth holiday in the company of friends. In the afternoon on the local beach you can practice water sports and play volleyball, in the evening - relax in a bar or dance at a disco.
Beaches Uteha
The amazing color of water is the first thing that tourists in Uteha note. In this place, numerous underground springs are being beaten, which give the sea an unusual turquoise hue.
The Coast of Uteha is strewn with rocks and protrusions that form beautiful coves. They are equipped with clean beaches with clear water. Excellent visibility gives good opportunities for diving.
On the seabed, swarms of mullets swim, alongside them sea urchins frolic. In the water are hidden ancient arches and natural grottoes, which can be inspected independently or under the supervision of an instructor.
The main beach of Uteha stretches almost 800 meters in length. Once he was awarded the honorary Blue Flag, and now is on the list of the best in the country. The beach area is equipped with sun loungers, umbrellas and handrails for safe entry into the water.
Behind the beach is a lush garden, in which olives grow. The age of some trees is more than 1000 years. Each corner of the garden is filled with amazing aromas, which are felt on the beach.
In the shade of the trees are cafes and restaurants. Right on the beach is the Rocky Beach holiday complex, which rents a part of the beach. It has an outdoor swimming pool. You have to pay for their use.
In the south of Uteha there is a small beach where nudists rest. This secluded place is unpopular among tourists, and therefore here you can always find an empty corner.