Montenegro is considered a country of powerful mountains and azure seas, ancient churches and monasteries, clear lakes and ecological spaces, a unique and rich culture. Since ancient times, people with a strong spirit lived in these places, for centuries they fought for freedom and did not lose courage and hope.
If you are going to visit this small country and want to know more about it, we will give you information.
Travel to ancient Montenegro
Last week, the publishing house Lonely planet Planets published the first guide to the country, it is sold in all global publishing publishing centers. The author, journalist Peter Dragichevich, says about the country: “If you can imagine sapphire beaches, such as Croatian beaches, mountain tops, such as the Swiss mountains, river canyons, the same depth as the Colorado River, the square is like squares in Venice , and cities like Greek cities. Then add the climate of the Mediterranean Sea and put it all into a space equal to 2/3 of the territory of Wales, as a result you will get a picture of Montenegro. ” Mr. Dragicevich is an employee of several magazines from Australia and New Zealand. The manual has articles telling about the history and culture, food and various areas of the country, customs and lifestyle. There is also detailed information about the tourist infrastructure and cultural and entertainment events for the whole season.
Lonely Planet Guide - Montenegro
Guide Lonely Planet - Montenegro is considered the most practical help in tourism in the country from travel gurus. It contains the most interesting and useful information about events, people, attractions and resorts in Montenegro.
What are the benefits of leadership:
- Detailed chapter on Dubrovnik.
- Tips on how to actively relax.
- Interview local residents.
- Stories about corsairs and severed heads.
Thanks to the guide, many tourists will get acquainted with the country, and independent tourists will get acquainted with the traditions and learn about the culture of Montenegro. To make your vacation bright and interesting, guides will contain useful practical information and recommendations from professionals, and this will help save on the maintenance of guides. The information that is available in the manual can be trusted, as its authors are in the places where it says.
The publication of the Lonely Planet does not use the texts in order, according to the guidebook to the Planets of the Lonely Planet Montenegro, which the authors themselves saw. The authors of the guide in all popular places, they visit hotels, restaurants, palaces, galleries, temples, lay a lot of tourist routes. New places are being opened that are not reported in other manuals. They talk to the locals so that tourists can get first-hand information.
Guide's advantages: large coverage of cities in Montenegro.
Tools: simple article navigation with content, charts and pointers. Data on how to visit any attraction on your own, there are detailed walking routes to all known cities, all routes have maps.
Take an interest and study the country, and we will do everything so that you get a lot of pleasure from this process.