The prices in Montenegro
For those who decided to spend the vacation on coast of the Adriatic Sea, it is worth thinking of premature reservation of hotel number already now. In order that rest took place in the country unforgettably, it is necessary to get acquainted with specifics of this resort, about its sights and about price policy.
The prices in the country one of the lowest in Europe. For calculations use European currency here. Euro exchange rate for the beginning of December, 2017 is 69,7 rubles for one euro.
Flight cost
In Montenegro there are two international airports, in Tivat and Podgorica. The approximate cost of flight Moscow - Tivat will be 6000 rubles. Flight in the Moscow-Podgorica direction will make slightly more than 11000 rubles. Acquisition of tickets in two parties will cost cheaper at once, than upon purchase in one party. Upon purchase of the ticket there is an additional collecting of 20 euros. Therefore it is necessary to specify whether is included this collecting in the price of the ticket or it needs to be paid in addition. Flight to Montenegro indirect flights is possible. Such travel will drag on at several o'clock, but will help to save a little. As the statistics, the cheapest air tickets in February shows. Than closer to a "hot" season, those the prices become higher.
Transport cost
In this section we will give examples what prices of transport services happen (the taxi, buses, electric trains, a leased car).
The trip to the taxi will manage in the considerable sum as this expensive vehicle. Moving by the taxi, for example from the airport in a resort will cost 20-30 euros.
The most budgetary movement will be by bus and the electric train. To move from one city to another costs about 6 euro for one ticket.
If you plan to travel around all coast, that is an opportunity to rent a car. The price of such service depends on seasonality, make of the car and a lease term. Only it is necessary to consider that in Montenegro there are toll highways for 2,5 euros. Lease of the car begins with pledge in 150-300 euros. Then still it is necessary to pay for 40 euros for every day of lease of the car. The huge value has long term of renting. If to take the car for several days, then cost will be higher, than in recalculation at rent for long term.
Gasoline cost
Here gasoline has the features. Quality of gasoline not at the top level therefore it is necessary to know at what gas station to fill a car. The cost of the 98th gasoline is 1,24 euros for liter, and diesel fuel of 1,07 euros.
Cost of mobile communication
Without mobile communication it is heavy to present today's life. In Montenegro this modern benefit costs much. In the country 3 mobile operators, approximately with identical tariffs. Minute of a conversation costs 0,12 euros, 1 MB of the Internet in 0,04 euros.
Cost of entertainments
The trip doesn't do without visit of excursions and various sights. The following information will help to organize leisure.
The cost of excursions in Montenegro (calculation for 1 person):
The Herceg-Novsky gulf (a dining by the ship is included) will make 45 euros;
- the sea excursion on the Boko-Kotorsky gulf will be a little cheaper – 25 euros;
- walk along the well-known canyons on the Tara River and Morach will make 35 euros. Additional payment of 10 euros included a nourishing lunch;
- rafting on Pivskovy of lakes with a dining will cost 65 euros;
- aquapark in the city of Budva - the subscription for the whole day for adult 20 euros, for the child of 12 euros;
- individual fishing in the high sea - 180 euros.
In many travel companies the special children's system of discounts is provided. Before purchase of an excursion specify about discounts which to you are put. If rest by the big company is planned, it is more favorable to reserve individual excursions. They will be developed only under your interests.
Additional expenses on vacation. Practically all beaches in Montenegro have a free admission, but it is necessary to use beach plank beds and sunshades for money.
Clothes cost
Montenegro is not the best place for shopping. But here it is possible to find branded things from the famous producers at the good price. The approximate cost of clothes in branded boutiques: jeans (50 euros), a sneaker (from 65 euros), a dress (from 30 euros), bathing suits from 15 euros, and beach bags – it is slightly more than 7 euros. In the markets of a thing cost much cheaper, but their quality can be worse, than in boutiques.
Cost of souvenirs
The holiday doesn't do without purchase of gifts and souvenirs. For fans of tasty and unusual food, Montenegro delicacies will approach.
Negushsky cheese, it is necessary to buy only house preparation. It has surprising taste and very much differs from goods from shop. The cost of cheese is from 5 euros.
Wines of Montenegro have pleasant and gentle aroma. Make wonderful dry wines of two grades of grapes. The price of a small bottle of alcoholic drink will begin from 3 euros. National fruit moonshine (raki) - from 7 euros for liter.
Montenegro meat is (prnut) - it is the pork dried on special technology. It has the interesting arrived and salty taste. For safe transportation prnut pack into vacuum packing. Cost 100 гр. dried pork will cost 3 euros.
The excellent option of a gift for memory is the picture brought from a travel. Pictures with surprising landscapes cost from 10 euro.
Seashells and hand-made articles from them is the most inexpensive gift which will remind of the Adriatic Sea. And also the infinite number of magnetics and cards with overseas landscapes. The prices from 2 euros.
Dining cost
In Montenegro the cost of a dining is various. Depending on the place where you gathered will eat or buy products to depend its price. The most budgetary option of purchase of products are supermarkets as there the prices fixed. In the markets the cost of products differs. "Street" dining very available. You receive meat and greens sandwich or a huge piece of pizza for couple of euro.
The average price of three meals a day in cafe will cost 10-12 euros. During the time spent at small restaurant it is necessary to give several times more, from 35 euros. The specified prices didn't include drinks.
Seasonal discounts
Montenegro – the tourist country therefore all prices depend on influx of tourists. In season peak the cost of all services considerably increases.
Information given above will help you to plan the vacation and to spend unforgettable days on the bank of the Adriatic warm Sea.