Before the planned trip to Montenegro, we recommend that you read the information articles collected in this section. They will help you better prepare for the trip, develop the most rational route, pick up comfortable accommodation and not miss the sights with which this Balkan country is so rich.
In the materials prepared by our staff, we understand the following topics:
- where it is better to plan a holiday with children in Montenegro;
- where to go if you like active hiking;
- without visiting which sights a trip to Montenegro can not be considered to be held;
- when and where it is better to go to Montenegro to rest on the sea;
- Features of the organization of a comfortable trip from the choice of insurance to the selection of the most convenient transport for a trip.
General information about tourist Montenegro
In the Romanesque manner, the country is also often called Montenegro, and the Russian Montenegro directly points to the key feature of the landscape of the region - the mountainous terrain. In terms of travel around the country, it is most convenient to rent a car or use public transport.
Where to rest in Montenegro depends on your preferences. If you like passive beach relaxation, the coast of Montenegro is at your service. It deservedly enjoys the reputation of one of the best in Europe.
If you do not represent a vacation without daily visiting new places and collecting positive impressions, Montenegro is an excellent choice for a holiday of this type. The mass of historical and cultural monuments and the comparatively small size of the country make searching for new impressions of architecture and contact with history simple and comfortable.
The most important topics collected in the section
To travel to Montenegro without any overshadowing incidents, we recommend that you study the articles on the following topics:
- features of booking air tickets and transfer to the place of settlement;
- information on insurance registration;
- documents required for travel on your own car;
- features of cuisine and culture of the country.
Did not find articles on the topic of interest to you or found an inaccuracy in the material? Contact us through the contact form, and we will do our best to prepare the information you need in the minimum period and make corrections to the already written materials.