Montenegro is a very beautiful country, whose stay will be remembered for a lifetime. But I want to bring not only memories, but also something tangible that you can keep in your memory, give to relatives and friends. There are many interesting souvenirs that can be purchased only in Montenegro.
Edible Souvenirs in Montenegro
Among the food and beverages that this sunny country is famous for, first of all, local wines should be highlighted. This is primarily a red wine Vranac and white - Krstac. They have a rich taste and aroma, while they are quite inexpensive - from 4 to 20 euros. Wines can be purchased both in regular stores and in the shops at the grape plantations near Lake Skadar and in the Podgorica region.
Another Montenegrin delicacy, which is loved by both locals and tourists, is prshut. It is a sliced pork ham marinated in spices, smoked over the coals and dried in the highlands. Montenegrins strictly observe this technogolic sequence, so the taste of the food is great. According to local residents, the best prshut is prepared in the small town of Negushi, but you can buy such edible souvenirs, which cost about 9 euros per 1 kg, all over the country.
Like in many other southern countries, there are many olive plantations in Montenegro, therefore one of the traditional products here is considered high-quality olive oil with a low level of acidity. According to its properties, it is not inferior to the famous Greek, it is much cheaper - about 4-5 euros per bottle with a capacity of 500 ml. In addition, you can buy a jar filled with cheese with local herbs, filled with olive oil. Where can I buy souvenirs based on olive oil and the oil itself? The most famous producer in the country is in Bar. There is a shop in the factory where you can buy Barsko Zlato olive oil (“Barskoe zoloto ”).
From sweet souvenirs we recommend to pay attention to Montenegrin honey. It is mined from honey herbs growing in the mountains. It is very dark, almost black, thick and has a strong herbal aroma. It can be purchased at almost any church shop. Among the Montenegrins, the shop at the apiary located at the Moraca Monastery is very popular. Honey of various varieties can be bought for 7-9 euros for a small jar
Other souvenirs from Montenegro
An integral part of the national men's suit in the country is the cap. This is one of the most popular souvenirs from Montenegro (see photo). It is a round headdress in black with a bright red fabric top. Sometimes it is decorated with heraldic embroidery or gilded pattern. These patterns reflect the different historical periods through which this small country passed. Capu can be purchased at any market or in a gift shop in Montenegro. Away from the resort areas and attractions the prices for these hats are slightly lower - from 7-8 euros.
Shells are in all world seaside resorts, as well as products made from them. However, it was the Montenegrins who approached the relevant business very thoroughly. Practically on every beach, in souvenir shops and even in ordinary stores you can see a wide variety of beads, and other products made of shells, as well as the shells themselves of all shapes, sizes and colors. Some of them are stylized as gramophone "snails", women's shoes, they are marked with memorable inscriptions.
Lavender grows on the territory of Montenegro almost everywhere. Elegantly decorated bags and bags with dried stems, leaves and flowers of this plant can be purchased at pharmacies and souvenir shops just from private merchants throughout the country. In Budva and Kotor, they can be found almost everywhere. In places more distant from the resorts, they will cost a little less, but these savings are cheap, especially considering the cost of transportation. 3-5 euros - the average cost of one such pads, which is an excellent means of aromatherapy.
For believers, as well as people who are simply interested in the history of Orthodox culture, it is of interest to distinguish between religious products. Montenegro has many temples and monasteries, where you can buy various ancient icons. In Cetinje there is a monastery where, according to tradition, the relics of John the Baptist are kept. Among Russian tourists this place is especially popular. Besides the fact that you can touch these relics, there is an opportunity to purchase icons, made back in the 15-17 centuries, another church paraphernalia. The average cost of Orthodox icons in Montenegro is 2-3 euros.
In addition, there is another souvenir of religious orientation. This is a Montenegrin broyarnitsa, which is a wide woolen bracelet of interlaced cruciform patterns. He is undergoing the procedure of sanctification. In the souvenir shops broyarnitsu can be purchased at a price of 1.5 to 2.5 euros, in the shops at monasteries and churches, it will cost a bit more expensive.
Many tourists bring from Montenegro various jewelry made of silver - rings, thin thread chains, rings, and earrings. Many products are created using unique technologies known to local craftsmen. In Podgorica, there is a whole street of jewelers, where you can buy high-quality silver jewelry for a small price (substantially lower than Moscow). The price of most of them is 5-10 euros, but there are also exclusive handmade products with the addition of semiprecious and precious stones - they can cost several hundred euros. In addition to local products, it is possible to buy Italian silver jewelry at a reasonable price.
Sheep breeding is developed in Montenegro and, as a result, the manufacture of woolen products. This applies to both factory production and folk crafts. The country has kept the secrets of making various products from wool. These secrets are passed from generation to generation to generation. Handmade products of high quality wool can be bought relatively inexpensively. So, woolen tablecloths can be found for 25-30 euros. In addition to Montenegrin, sold and Chinese scarves, tablecloths. They are even cheaper, but the workmanship is noticeably worse. Therefore, we recommend specifying the country of manufacture.
In the resort areas and in stores in major cities, informational booklets are sold, in which there is a detailed description of the history and modernity of Montenegro, its attractions. These booklets are illustrated with lots of colorful photos. You can also purchase standard souvenirs - magnets, plates, mugs, ashtrays, especially if you collect them. They are sold everywhere. But most of them are made in China, completely typical - such can be found in almost any more or less large city in almost any country.
We told you what is better to buy souvenirs from Montenegro, what to bring. We hope the information provided will be useful.