Today, Montenegro ranks 5th among the countries of Europe in which Russians most often emigrate. In this article we will tell you what attracts our compatriots in a foreign country, and also discuss how Russians live in Montenegro.
Why Russians choose Montenegro
Russians choose Montenegro as their country of permanent residence for the following reasons:
- the visa process is simplified, which can not be said about other European countries;
- get a residence permit you can immediately after buying a home or opening your own business;
- the tourist business is gaining momentum, buying real estate for the purpose of subsequent leasing becomes a profitable investment of funds;
- the cost of living is at a relatively low level;
- good ecology is maintained;
- a warm and favorable climate prevails;
- Russians here are tolerant and friendly.
Language environment
Russian and Montenegrin have much in common, and therefore our immigrants easily learn a foreign language for them. There are almost no difficulties when communicating. This is largely due to the friendliness of Montenegrins. They are always ready to listen to a foreigner, if possible, to understand and help him.
Montenegro has a high unemployment rate of 19.5%. Many Montenegrins are involved in tourism and work unofficially. In the summer season, there are more jobs, which is associated with a large influx of holidaymakers.
When hiring, preference is given to local residents, not immigrants. Russians often open their own business in Montenegro and provide jobs for indigenous people. For this, the government of the country provides foreigners with incentives in the form of a permanent residence permit.
Many immigrated Russians rent an apartment in their homeland. On the proceeds they manage to maintain a familiar way of life, because the cost of many goods and services in Montenegro is at a low level.
Russians who come to Montenegro for permanent residence, either acquire an apartment in this country, or rent it.
The cost of 1 m² of real estate is about 600-1100 euros. Rent an apartment costs the Russian in 250-500 euros per month.
Not all Russians can get used to the fact that there is no central heating in Montenegro. The same goes for gas. All this is paid separately and is not cheap.
The size of an apartment in Montenegro is determined not by the number of rooms. In most houses, the living room is connected to the kitchen and is not considered a separate room. One-bedroom apartment here corresponds to a standard two-room apartment in Russia.
Kindergartens are divided into public and private. It is noteworthy that the latter are most often opened by immigrants and are intended for Russian-speaking children.
Russians in Montenegro prefer to send their children to state gardens, where they can learn Montenegrin for further education at a local school.
Russians who immigrate to Montenegro among the year are forced to send their children to private preschools. This is due to the fact that state kindergartens recruit groups only in early September.
Almost all Russian immigrants give their children to state Montenegrin schools. This allows children to quickly adapt to the new environment and strenuously teach someone else's language.
In all schools, two foreign languages are taught, one of which is chosen by the student independently. Thanks to good language education, almost all Montenegrins speak English with dignity. The quality of teaching other subjects does not always correspond to the Russian one.
In Montenegro, there are Russian schools. For the training in them you need to pay. The study is conducted according to the Russian program. As a rule, children of emigrants who attend Russian schools can hardly learn Montenegrin and have difficulty communicating with indigenous people.