Montenegro is an attractive European country for rest, treatment and training. The interest of young people in higher education in Montenegro is growing steadily. This has become especially noticeable in recent years. In this country, a special program on higher education has been developed with a number of advantages, according to which up to two hundred foreign applicants can be enrolled annually.
Higher education
Here are the benefits of this program:
- 1. From 500 to 1500 euros per year is a bachelor's degree, which is similar to studying in Russian universities and cheaper than in many other European countries.
- 2. The program provides an excellent opportunity to come to study in Montenegro, without losing a year on language training, as it is conducted through Skype.
- 3. The cost of preparatory language courses is much lower than in other countries.
- 4. Many specialties in higher educational institutions of Montenegro do not have large competitions, which is a good chance for successful admission.
- 5. Studying in the universities of Montenegro, the student receives a quality education, with improved methods of teaching.
- 6. Montenegrin diploma is recognized in all EU countries.
For admission to a higher education institution you need to have a certificate of secondary education and pass the entrance exams in Montenegrin language. The language of this country is not difficult to learn, it is largely reminiscent of Russian, Belorussian and Ukrainian languages, as part of the group of Slavic languages. Before entering the University you need to learn the language at the preparatory courses, at their end to get a certificate of proficiency in Montenegrin.
The system of education allows you to get a bachelor's academic program for 3-4 years of study, a bachelor's applied program for 3 years of study, postgraduate specialist program for 1 year, a master's program for 2 years of study and a doctoral program, training which lasts 3 years.
When entering the state University — University Cane Gore, students will be offered 20 faculties.
Montenegro is not a big country and there are only three institutions in which they study foreign languages, marine biology or history. Two of them are private, they are trained in modern technologies, Economics, fine arts, law and tourism. Education in public and private institutions of higher education do not differ. All higher education institutions in Montenegro have modern laboratories with high-quality equipment.
The training schedule allows students to earn money in their free time and to fully support themselves. Students are allowed to work part-time, as the country has many vacancies, both for professionals and non-professionals. After graduating from the University you can stay to work in Montenegro or get a job in any country in Europe.
Language learning
To accord to local legislation, you can not come for a long time to study in language courses — at the invitation of the language school you can get only a three-month visa. But this time will be absolutely not enough for high-quality study of Montenegrin language and admission to UNIVERSITY. There is an opportunity to learn the language in two stages:
- 1. Online teacher training via Skype. For such training you need to have a computer, a microphone and the Internet and Skype. The intensity of training is chosen independently. The cost of one lesson, the duration of which ninety minutes is six euros. More lessons in self-study mode, the less you need to pay for the classes.
- 2. After mastering the language at the first stage, send a request for a lesson in the language in Montenegro. You will get three months on a visa and plus thirty days of visa-free stay in this country.
Tags: Montenegro, tips, Education