Pryshut is a traditional Montenegrin dish, which has already become a local delicacy. This dish is eager to try all who come to Montenegro, and as a result, it suits most foreigners. Below we will talk about how it is eaten and cooked, and in conclusion we will give two recipes for Montenegrin prsut.
Ways of using
Pryschut is extremely nutritious, so it is almost always served for breakfast. The average calorific value of 100 g of the present Montenegrin prosciut varies from 250 to 330 kcal.
This delicacy is present at all dinner parties and family celebrations. It is eaten both separately and together with other dishes and drinks.
In Montenegro, prsut is often served with wine, used as an appetizer and added to salads and sandwiches. He is loved to serve with thinly sliced onion rings and olives.
Montenegrins like to eat a pork tenderloin, wrapped in prsut. To prepare such a dish, the meat is fried in a pan with seasonings and spices, and then sent to a well-heated oven. Pryschut does not allow the pork to flow out and adds peculiarities to it.
In Montenegro prshut wrapped in a traditional fermented milk product, which is called kaimak. In consistence, it almost completely repeats the usual sour cream, and to taste very much like cottage cheese. To prepare such a dish, the kaimak is placed in the oven and heated in it for several hours. Then it is cooled, the top layer is removed and salts are added. After pre-prepared prshut envelops a gentle kaymakom. This dish is served well with cool wine.
Cooking in Montenegro
Montenegrins especially appreciate the Negush prsut, which is prepared in a small high-mountain village. Every autumn in her specially selected pigs with the most dry hams.
The meat is firstly soaked in a special solution for a long time, and then it begins to smoke. The next step is drying the hams right on the street. Many believe that pure mountain air makes the delicacy more saturated and tasty.
The already prepared prsut is checked with a special needle. Meat pierce and inhale its smell. Only real professionals can determine if the product is ready and what is its quality.
You can prepare pears for yourself at home. This does not mean that you will get the same delicious dish that is served in Montenegrin taverns. The taste will be a bit different, not so bright and saturated. We will describe in detail two recipes for the preparation of this delicacy.
The recipe is the first
To prepare Montenegrin prosciut we need a dried ham. The first thing to do with it is to remove all excess fat, rinse well and leave to dry.
Then dry the ham rubbed with sea salt (you can replace the usual) and puts it in a capacious vessel. After that, it should be removed to the basement or refrigerator for about 2-3 weeks.
While prshut insists, it is important not to forget about it. You need to regularly drain the brine, and sprinkle the dish with salt.
After two weeks, the meat should be put on the grate. After prshut need to press down and leave for another 2-3 weeks.
This final stage is followed by the final part of the preparation of prosciutto. Well stale meat should be washed, dry with a towel and leave to dry in a suspended state. Drying requires a draft and an air temperature in the region of 12-16 ° C.
The drying process takes on average 10 to 24 months. During this time, the meat loses up to 30% of its original mass.
Recipe for the second
The second way of preparing proshot is easier and faster. Meat, made with this recipe, will only remind the original of taste and smell.
The ham should be compressed and placed in a cool place. The process of smoking takes about a day. Upon their expiration, you can proceed to the dried prashuta, a little later - to the cutting.