The Tara River is a natural creation that pleases the Montenegrins and resting their picturesqueness. The famous canyon of this river has become one of the most popular tourist places in the country. Below we will tell you the most important thing about Tara and its surroundings.
Location the Tara River
Tara flows in the territory of Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In its upper reaches there is the town of Mojkovac. Tara is located in the north of the country, it is a part of Durmitor National Park.
You can admire the beauties of Tara both independently and as part of a tourist group. Excursion routes include a visit to all of Durmitor's most important natural sites.
Experienced tourists do not advise getting to Tara on their own. The road leading to it is full of mountain serpentines, dark tunnels, unexpected turns, bottlenecks and other difficulties.
Description the Tara River
Fusing with the Beer, Tara forms the Drina River. It feeds on the waters of many small mountain streams and a large waterfall.
Almost the entire course of the Tara passes between the majestic cliffs and the insurmountable mountain slopes. Here the river has a violent character. In the place where Tara merges with the Beer, its course slightly slows down.
The bottom of the river is strewn with small pebbles. Il and vegetation are completely absent. In some places, water has a greenish tinge, in others - white.
Tara is a mountain river, and therefore the water temperature in it rises very rarely above + 12 ° C. In winter it does not become covered with ice. The water in Tara is so clean that you can drink it straight without cleaning, which tourists do with pleasure.
Canyon of Tara
In the middle reaches of the Tara, the deepest canyon is formed in the whole of Europe, which extends for 82 km in length, and is as wide as 1300 m. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and is part of the Durmitor Nature Reserve. This place is under the protection of the authorities as a national treasure.
Cliffs and pebble areas stretch along the canyon. Cozy bays and sandy beaches adjoin them. On the mountain slopes near the canyon there are more than 80 caves. While they have not been studied.
In the canyon you can see the local endemic vegetation. In one of the forests there are majestic pines of rich black color. According to rough estimates, the age of most of them exceeds 400 years.
In the canyon live wild animals like mountain goats and bears. 130 species of birds are hibernating on its territory. The waters of Tara itself are filled with freshwater fish.
If you look closely, along the canyon you can see a lot of old sentry points. Once they belonged to the Turks, but later were almost completely destroyed by the Montenegrins. On the territory of this area, a couple of Orthodox churches have survived.
In the canyon of Tara there is a beautiful valley, equipped with wooden benches and tables. Nearby the river rattles, next door there is a cafe. On a small bridge and huge boulders are often photographed. This place has a quiet rest.
The Tara River Djurdjević Bridge
Through the Tara, the Djurdjevic Bridge is overtaken, which has become Montenegrin's "visiting card". The concrete bridge has an arch construction. It was named after the owner of the farm, which is still nearby.
Djurdjevic's bridge was erected in 1940. During the Second World War, when the Italians were a few kilometers from the bridge, they decided to destroy it. Montenegrin engineer Lazar Yaukovich created a plan to undermine the central arch. It was successfully implemented, which made the Italians furious. They found Lazar Yaukovich and shot a man right at the bridge.
The bridge itself was completely restored already in 1946. The arch, which was once blown up, still stands out against the background of its other light colors. Montenegrin authorities erected a monument in honor of a brave and intelligent engineer. You can see it by walking on the bridge.
On the bridge there are almost no pedestrian roads, tourists go mainly along its roadway. In the high season on the bridge constantly come sightseeing groups and independent travelers, interfering with the passage of cars.
Near the bridge there is a camping, there is a parking lot, there are grocery stores. All interested persons can be accommodated in the local hostel.
The bridge rises above the river only 172 m, but it still offers stunning views of the fast Tara and the surrounding mountains, which are buried in rich vegetation.
From the Djurdjevic Bridge you can quickly reach the place where rafting is arranged. In summer it is filled with kayaks and boats. Tourists are offered routes of varying length and complexity. The most popular of them stretches for 60 km. It takes him a whole day to complete it. This route is quite complicated, beginners are not always allowed to enter it.
On the bridge, three zip-lanes work at once. Once here it was possible to do banjo jumping, but the local authorities banned this extreme entertainment, because it interfered with the passage